PHP Extensions Install
macOS & Linux
FlyEnv provides quick installation of php extensions

You can also use the pecl command to install php extensions
Click or copy the path. cd to the path in the terminal

Install php xdebug extension
./bin/pecl install xdebug

Currently no quick installation is provided. But it provides the ability to open pecl sites and php extension folders
Note. The extensions folder contains most common extensions by default. PHP does not enable these extensions by default. Please enable them in php.ini.

Download the .dll file at and put it in the php extension folder
The Windows version of PHP extension quick installation is very simple to implement. But the corresponding relationship between the php version and the php extension version is too cumbersome. I don't have much time to deal with this.
If anyone wants to contribute. You can fork the code and submit a PR. Or provide the correspondence between the php version and the php extension version